Tuesday, January 13, 2009


iF some-one asks you 'why u love (insert name)?' what would your answer be?..do you need a reason to love some-one? must there be a reason?..when you love some-one it just happens no?..love is love..must there be a reason?..must there be 1001 reasons?..must there really have to have a reason?..

no i'm not ok i admit i'm not..and seriously i don't know what to do..i have been paranoid very paranoid and i don't like the paranoid me..it happened before and it's happening again..i'm breaking down and have no-one to talk to cuz friends are tired of listening to my 'i'm so sad sorry ass' whinings..and it's ALWAZ about the same thing..alwaz about this thing call love..

i know many would say i'm being weak emotionally and yes i admit i am..i know many would say i'm stupid foolish hopeless..yes i am too..i really don't know why i'm whining here and maybe it's not a good idea to..i don't know...i'm not trying..i'm finding it hard very hard to let go more..to move on..there's no-one to help me except myself..no-one..

i have said too much..say too much..

is honesty really the best policy?...


Sakhi. said...

hey!!u r totaly right........even i never realized tho now i actually do!!
nd..........honesty is best as well as the worst policy:)

PhilO♥ said...

Umm...im very emotional too. it's okay. and about the love it. i agree with you. there does not need to be a reason to love somebody. love is funny, i tell you! Take care and i hope everything becomes fine with you! **HugZz**

mariposa said...

Aw, good luck with everything! I love the questions you asked - I just wish I knew all the answers.

Btw, thanks for the comment!

Unknown said...

good question, maybe not, maybe because: beautiful, sensitive, gorgeous, wild, understanding, patient...
sometimes your friends/family are not always the best ones to talk to...
good luck with everything!