Monday, December 1, 2008


tHis is how i've been..well almost..
iSnt he gd-looking?..Chen Bo-Lin

come sit with me n watch the world goes by

haunting winter sky-love this pic

tiMe slipping fast..

yUp..i am actually

wAnt a room as such =>

soMe cool nice pics found @deviantArt..go there!..lots n lotsa wonderful pics!!!!...will be postin another is a daze actually..yup..U___U;


ashley said...

i love deviant art~ and you found some great things there!
hope you are feeling happy lately sweetie:)
x ashley
p.s. looking forward to your next poem!

PhilO♥ said...

great pictures !! love them !!!! i agree with ashley. im waiting for your next poem.

Sakhi. said...

lovely piks!!nd thnx 4 ur comment!