Wednesday, September 2, 2009


one by one is leavin..2b honest i no longer wana be strong anymore..2b honest i no longer see the point 2 anymore..what disappointed they knew whats happening..they knew whos the trouble-maker..and yet..still expected me to TRY for one last time..HELLO..ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!! only human..theres a limit to how much i CAN bear too..yes i know this is life..i just have 2 deal with it blah blah blah whatever whatever..

nothing is going

What more can i do
except put this love for you inside
so much to say yet
words alone not enough

Does it even matter now
how much im missing you
eight more months
and you will be gone

Eight more months
what am i going to do
how am i going to be

*1st pic-black and white's tumblelog
2nd pic-the animal blog

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