Wednesday, June 17, 2009


A lantern light from deeper in the barn
inching nearer do i dare?
a blurred figure under the faint lantern light
are my eyes playing tricks on me?

With my hand out infront of me
am i protecting myself or?
darkness seems to be
whispering whispering

Few steps more few steps now
as i come closer to the lantern
am i ready?
am i prepared?

To be drawn to that faint figure

here's my try on this week carry on tuesday prompt.. the opening words of the poem is The Fear by Robert Frost..only used the first sentence..i have to admit its getting more and more difficuilt to come up with poems worth reading..which is why i gave up on last week's prompt..nah..its a lame mind is just filled with things..yet again..

i do envy people with many friends..i do envy people with families that are there for them when they need help..or simply just a listening ear..often i ask myself 'do i have true friends?..seriously do i?..'..who can i truly turn to..when i need some-one to listen to talk to..not some-one who tell me what i SHOULD do..not some-one who tell me HOW i SHOULD feel..yes i do understand..they meant well..but its my life my feelings..shouldnt i be the one to decide?..even if i wont know will my decission is right or wrong..theres no right or is right or wrong..i not making sense..i havent been making sense lately..

*pics from tumblr


Marja said...

Scary Would love to know what happens next Nice take.
About friends I only have very few friends and I am perfectly happy You only need one or two you can trust Lots of people have only superficial relationships so don't worry

quin browne said...

i enjoyed this

Shadow said...


Americanising Desi said...

sssssssppppppppppoooooooooooooky :D

My Carry On Tuesday 'Fear'

Anonymous said...

WOW good one there!!
Quite spooky :)