sOme1 told me once 'when ur so sad n u cant shed a single tear..dats the day u start to feel numb..dats the day u hav reached the xteme end of bein sad'..i used to think how can one not cry when one is sad?..but now i finally it happened to me...
seein dat my so-called friends arent willin to listen arent willin to meet(remember i mentioned they r sick of me bein upset over some guy?)..i started to keep whatever sadness i hav inside ever since..the final blow came 2wks ago...when i couldnt shed 1 single tear...n i thought i was goin to cry for hours...its liked i dun feel cant feel anything...its liked i lost the ability to feel...its liked my heart my soul had left..n all im left an empty shell..will u teach me how to cry?......
Empty Shell
Heart in your hand u crashed
drop it like u do not care
break it like u do not care
walk away keep on walkin away
drop it like u do not care
break it like u do not care
walk away keep on walkin away
An empty shell u left
to become numb
is this how u want me to
walk away keep on walkin away
to become numb
is this how u want me to
walk away keep on walkin away
My tears had given up on me
sadness no longer visit me
a hollow shell is me
walk away keep on walkin away
sadness no longer visit me
a hollow shell is me
walk away keep on walkin away
Tears heart soul
u taken away
empty shell
becomes me
u taken away
empty shell
becomes me
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